“At the inner core of each one of us spins seven wheel-like energy centres called chakras.“
Each chakra is a centre of activity within the body, which receives, assimilates and expresses life-force energy.
Root ChakraBasic issues: The body; foundation; survival; roots; grounding; nourishment; physical security; home; family; belonging
Affirmation: I am safe and secure, the earth supports me and gives me a foundation upon which I can build my life
Sacral ChakraBasic issues: Nurture; flow; sensation; pleasure, well being; abundance; creativity; self-expression, sexuality
Affirmation: I allow the pleasure of life to unfold before me; as I open myself to life I accept all the good things that come with it
Solar Plexus ChakraBasic issues: Self-worth; autonomy; confidence; individuation; will; self-esteem; choice; personal power
Affirmation: I honour the power within me. I have the power to change and direct my life
Heart ChakraBasic issues: Love; balance; forgiveness; self-acceptance; relationship; intimacy; peace; compassion; harmony
Affirmation: Love is the core of my being; I choose to live in harmony with all things and all people
Throat ChakraBasic issues: Will power; truthfulness; communication; the voice; creativity; personal expression
Affirmation: I hear and I speak the truth to myself and to others. I delight in my self-expression and in all my creative pursuits
Third Eye/Brow ChakraBasic issues: Discernment; archetypes; symbols; images; dreams; intuition; knowledge; vision; imagination; wisdom
Affirmation: I am open to the wisdom within. I trust my inner self to guide and protect me
Crown ChakraBasic issues: Beauty; healing; inspiration; enlightenment; self-fulfilment; transcendence; divinity; inter-connectedness; unity
Affirmation: I connect my spirit to the Source of all knowledge. I transform my life and become free